Yaaaay Ed School!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Wezi and I begin teaching our unit on Friday, so we thought it necessary to observe a content lesson before we actually taught one. We arrived at the beginning of social studies, and the class was preparing for the field trip to Monticello tomorrow by watching a video on Thomas Jefferson and his various building projects. The class was moderately entertained for the first few minutes, but quickly (and understandably) lost interest shortly.
Everything was alright since we were only observing them watch a video, until the substitute who was in for F for the afternoon had to run out for an undisclosed amount of time to handle a situation. I realized it was just Wezi and I in the classroom with these 18 students, and even though they are fewer in number than many classes, I have a feeling they are going to be a handful. From what I have seen, there is a lot of potential for behavior management issues. As long as we keep them busy, they will be fine. I think. I guess we will see Friday!


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